There are two types of custody:

  1. Legal Custody - how the parents will make decisions related to their child's health, education and general welfare; and
  2. Physical Custody - the amount of time the child will spend with each parent.

Issues related to custody are both complex and emotional. The drafting of parenting plans, custody provisions, and visitation schedules requires extreme thoughtfulness and knowledge of the child or children's specific developmental needs.When drafting a proposed custodial schedule, I take into account the concerns of my client, my own experience and knowledge of the Court's disposition, and the findings and opinions of leading mental health professionals before creating a custom-tailored parenting plan built in the child's best interest.

Recognizing that some of the most difficult and unpredictable issues during a separation or divorce are those related to children and custody disputes, I make myself readily accessible to my clients in an effort to guide them through every stage of any custody proceeding, working closely with mental health professionals to ensure that my clients continue to be the best possible parents during what most consider to be the most difficult time of their lives.